- International FIDE Rated Chess Player
- Chess Columnist in Janmabhoomi Newspaper
Chess Coaching
Chess Coaching in School
Chess Coaching to Individuals/Groups
Chess Coaching in his own Academy
Online Chess Coaching
Beginner Level – Module 1
Duration – 2 months
- Introduction to Chess
- Chess Board setup and Name of Pieces
- Initial Position of pieces
- Movement of Pieces
- Value of Pieces
- Rules
- Capture and Exchange
- Files, Ranks, Diagonals, Center
- Check and Defence from Check
- Checkmate and Stalemate
- Special Rules – Castling, Pawn Promotion and En Passant
- Chess Notations and Symbols.
Beginner Level – Module 2
Duration – 3 months
- Elementary Checkmates
- King + Queen Vs King
- King + Queen Vs King
- King + 2 Rooks Vs King
- King + Rook Vs King
- King + 2 Bishops Vs King
- Checkmate Combinations
- Checkmate in 1 move
- Checkmate in 2 moves
- Pin (Basic)
- Fork (Basic)
Intermediate Level – Module 1
Duration – 3 months
- Pin
- Absolute Pin
- Relative Pin
- Fork
- Checkmate in 3 moves
- Checkmate in 4 moves
- Double Attack
- Discovered Check
Intermediate Level – Module 2
Duration – 6 months
- Opening Basics
- Center control
- Development of pieces
- Placing piece on good squares
- Coordination of pieces
- Opening – Giuoco Piano (King Pawn Opening)
- Deflection
- Back Rank Weakness
- Queening combinations
- Removing the guard
- Basic Endgames – King and Pawn Vs King
Intermediate Level – Module 3
Duration – 3 months
- Discovered Attack
- Decoy
- X – ray
- Attraction
- Interference
- Over worked piece
Intermediate Level – Module 4
Duration – 6 months
- Double Check
- Trapped Man
- Zugzwang
- Clearance
- Opening
- Preparing an Opening repertoire according to need of Intermediate level
- Open files and Diagonals
- Interference
- Pawn Structure
- Double Pawns
- Isolated Pawn
- Connected Pawns
- Backward Pawn
- Passed Pawn
Endgames Module ( Intermediate and Advanced level )
Duration – 6 months
- Pawn Endgames
- Opposition, Distant Opposition
- Rule of Square
- Triangulation
- Outside passed pawn
- Shoulder charging
- Breakthrough
- Rook Vs Pawn(s)
- Moving Downstairs
- Cut off King
- Rook Vs Pawn on 2nd Rank
- Stalemate
- Intermediate Check for gain of tempo
- Shouldering
- Rook Vs Connected pawns
- Rook Vs Separated pawns
- Rook Endgames –
- Rook and Pawn Vs Rook
- Philidor Position
- Lucena Position
- Pawn on 7th Rank
- Pawn on 6th Rank
- Pawn on 5th Rank
- Rook’s Pawn
- Rook and Two Pawns Vs Rook
- Connected Pawns
- Double Pawns
- Isolated Pawns
- Rook Endgames with Multiple pawns
- Knight Endgames –
- Knight features
- Knight Vs Pawn(s)
- Knight and Pawn Vs Knight
- Knight Endgames with Multiple pawns
- Bishop Endgames
- Bishop Vs Pawn(s)
- Opposite Coloured Bishop Endgames
- Same Coloured Bishop Endgames
- Queen Endgames
Advanced Level – Module 1
Duration – 1 year
- Opening Repertoire for Advanced Level player
- In depth analysis of Opening lines
- Space Advantage
- Pawn chain
- Pawn wedge
- Types of Centre
- Open Centre
- Closed Centre
- Static Centre
- Dynamic Centre
- Pawn Centre
- Weak Squares
- Pawn majority
- Outpost
- Including Pieces into Attack
- Greek gift
- Focal Point g7
- Sacrifice on f7
- Sacrifice on h6
- Rook Lifting
- Bishop Vs Knight
- Initiative
- Exploiting an Advantage
- Manoeuvring
- Positional Sacrifices
- Prophylaxis
Advanced Level – Module 2
- Conditions –
- Participation in tournaments as recommended
- Regular attendance
- Completing Chess homework on time
- Regular practice at home.